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   videowatch: performances, interview, this page is always on work.

!= Rules of a ClownAt the Beginning was the Chaos (Trailer)

If you click on one picture or on one title, that will open an extra page on your browser and connect you with an Internet video homepage:

"Dance-Theatre Choregraphy and performing from Jean Laurent Sasportes"

- "The Ten Rules of a Clown"(Trailer)
- "At the Beginning was the Chaos" (Trailer)

"Dancing with TETSU":

- "vecchia" Session House, Tokyo 2006

- "security" Session House, Tokyo 2006

- "security" Iwakuni, Japan 2006

- "diva" Session House, Tokyo 2006

- "Tetsu solo 1 & 2" Session House, Tokyo 2006

- "Tetsu solo 3" Session House, Tokyo 2006

- "Tetsu Saitoh Bass Quintet Gem311 and Jean Laurent Sasportes" at Izuruba, Tokyo 2012 

"Looking for Songs" at  Oe Nogaku do - Kyoto 2014

- "Looking for Songs at Pole Pole" - Tokyo 2014

- German Tour 2014 Wuppertal (Ort), Cologne (Japan Culture Institut), Bochum (Musik HOchschule), Dortmund (DIS Festival)

"99orte" WITH KAI FOBBE:




- Interview Liverpool, 2009